Daily Verse

Thursday, February 1, 2007

wrestling with god

“Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day.” Genesis 32:24

Have you ever wrestled with God? I mean in the deepest part of your soul, just latched on and grappled for all you are worth?

I can recall as a young boy some of my fondest memories were wrestling with my father. I suppose in one since that rugged and tough essence of boyhood sought to test my strength and how I measured up. Yet in the midst of testing my strength I drew great comfort and security from the power of my fathers arms when in the end he over powered me.

Now I sit in the place of fatherhood, and experience great joy when my son, full of testosterone, in his most fierce growling voice, exclaims “daddy let’s westle”. So, like my father did with me, I lay low for a time letting him ruff me up.

See, it is during that time of struggle that I am teaching him to be strong, to persevere, to survive, and to trust, TRUST in my strength which is greater than his. It is during that time of struggle that we grow closer together.

So, there I sat one late Saturday afternoon, waiting in line to wash my truck. Finances had been increasingly tight and my last pay check had to stretch over two months worth of bills. With the prospect of writing a tithe check the next morning the match was on. Right there in my pickup God and I went at. I maid very clear to Him all the details He was quite obviously not aware of and His only response was “OBEY”! So being a salesman I dropped a little Sandler selling technique on Him and His response was again “OBEY”! In a last ditch effort I tried bargaining with Him, but this time He responded with “TRUST ME”. “TRUST ME”. And so it was with that utterance that I relinquished control and took great comfort in His strength and assurance all the while recalling the story of Jacob, and asking God to then bless me.

Then the man said, "Let me go, for it is daybreak." But Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." Genesis 32:26

My hope is that you have truly wrestled with God. That in the deepest part of your soul you have grappled with your Heavenly father. Because it is there in that place of vulnerability that we find security and comfort in the strength of His all powerful arms.


Anonymous said...

Great word picture. I know this will be an encouragement to everyone that has had this same "contest" with God. I hope you will post God's responce when it becomes obvious.


n2J said...

Thanks for the story. It's easy to talk about trusting God but for those of us that like to wrestle, it can be a challenge.

This reminded me of a movie scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Remember when Indiana brought back the Holy Grail and the earthquake started when that gal tried to take it past the seal?

She winds up hanging in that crack trying to get the Grail while Indiana holds her by one hand. He loses his grip and she falls.

Indiana then winds up in the same position being held by his father by one hand who can't hold on much longer. "Junior, give me your other hand." "Dad, I can almost touch it." His dad finally says, "Indiana...let it go." At that point Indiana Jones finally understands that he must grab onto his father with both hands and let go of the Grail. I love that scene!

Great post. I am continually encouraged and challenged by your blog. Keep it up. Thanks.

Rich Smith said...

Well I have to agree I am in period 3 of the 163 weight class. The score is tied at 7. I seem to always get into some type of wrestling match with God every other year or so. I can't firuge it out. God says he wants to bless us, then he does, and for some un-forseen situation we go back to where we were previously. I have to admit sometimes I wonder what is God trying to teach me. I can honestly say that over the past two months God has come thru as far as finances are concerned. However I don't want to live for the next two months wondering where the next two months will come from. I also realize that I must only live for today, which is a process that I feel I am getting better at each and every day. However I still can't get over the fact that I do get frustrated every so often with the situation I find myself in. You anwser the call for you life that God has given to you. Then you struggle for two years nearly going broke. Then you get ahead only to be put right back where you started. I am at times struggling to find anwsers when things are both tough and easy. I will however continue to wrestle. I will continue to fight for what God has for me. If it cost me my life and my dreams to learn what He has for me than so be it. I will not release Him until he does in fact bless me!

Alaskagirl said...

Thanks for sharing Jake. I struggle and fight with God over not being married (yet)! I know he has someone great for me, but I need to trust and obey. I appreciate your blog and how you minister to me through your words!

SPARKY said...

thank you jake. words of a man who is "experiencing" God wouldn't you say? it's in the time of uncertainty that we really learn who we are. i must admit that i have not always been as good as i may have thought myself. i feel i'm wrestling constantly w/god over financial security. probably the reason we find ourselves "getting by" so often. the problem is i'm so stubborn, i keep wrestling. he tells me what he wants, but i still keep wrestling. i am ready to relinquish. have been in the process. i've read the jabez prayer recently and have embarked on a quest to be blessed and be used by my almighty God. All in all, it's for his glory that i strive for the things i do. my flesh does get in the way, but somehow i find my way back. thanks again for your thoughts.

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I Was Thinking...

"If your vision is for a year, plant wheat. If your vision is for ten years, plant trees. If your vision is for a lifetime, plant people."

