Daily Verse

Monday, March 26, 2007


I will devote space at the beginning of each week to share thoughts of others who are much more intelligent and insightful than I, with the hope that their words encourage and challenge you as much as they have me. This weeks thoughts are from Andy Stanley's book: The Best Question Ever

The bible has a term for the person who refuses wise counsel: fool. Solomon summed it up this way: “The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice” (Proverbs 12:15, NIV). In our culture it sounds harsh to refer to someone as a fool, so we soften by saying, “He acted foolishly” or, “How could I have been so foolish?” But the reality is, when we refuse to listen, when we dodge the truth, when we insist on having our own way, we are fools.

Wise people know when they don’t know. The fool is the person who convinces himself he knows more than he really knows and doesn’t need to ask anybody anything. At the end of the day, the wise man breaths a sigh of relief; the fool, a sigh of regret.

Bottom line, when we resist presenting our options to the wise people around us for fear of hearing what we don’t want to hear, we are fools. When we insist on ignoring the warning signs and pressing on anyway, we are fools. And in the end, we pay. Fools always pay.

God knows there will be times when you lack wisdom, times when you will ask the Best Question Ever and come up short.

If you are in the midst of an emotionally challenging situation and circumstances require you to make a decision, go for help. Don’t trust your judgment alone. Just as there are times when physical pain makes us incapable of caring for ourselves, so emotional pain can drive us to the place where we need assistance.

If you are being called upon to make a decision that is out of your league in terms of experience or education, get some help. Don’t pretend. Don’t fake it. Asking for help is not a reflection of your lack of wisdom. Asking for input is evidence of wisdom. When the Best Question Ever doesn’t yield the clarity you need, ask someone you trust, “In light of my past experiences, current circumstances, and future hopes and dreams, what do you believe is the wise thing for me to do?”

After all, wise people know when they don’t know and aren’t afraid to go to those who do.

The Best Question Ever

Thursday, March 22, 2007

to spank or not to spank

First let me apologize for the lack luster effort on the blogg this week. I am traveling however and missing my wife and kids greatly. Oh, and I am using dial up to boot. Thus no picture.

The following was an article that I pulled out of news week a couple of days ago. I will reply to the post with my comments, but wanted to open up for all of your comments, reaction, ect. Cant wait to hear your feedback…..


The uproar over a California assembly women’s announcement that she wants to make it illegal for parents to spank their own toddlers raises an interesting question: how many parents actually spank their kids? We may have to beat them to get the truth. A new study of more than 2,000 parents in the Journal of Clinical Pediatrics found fewer than 9 percent explicitly admit to spanking their kids ages 2-11 – while at the same time, 40 percent say they were spanked as a child and use the same discipline techniques as their parents. “People don’t want to admit it, even in an anonymous, confidential questionnaire,” says Dr. Shari Barkin, lead author of the study and chief of general pediatrics at Vanderbilt University Children’s Hospital. This is a big change in social attitudes from a few decades ago: national surveys in 1975 and 1985 found that more than 90 percent of parents spanked their three year olds. In 1988, two thirds of mothers with kids under 6 said they routinely HIT their child three times a week. By the 1990’s however, it was widely agreed in the medical community that corporal punishment does not work, is less effective than other discipline techniques and has the potentially harmful side effects. (Interestingly, a third of parents in the new study say their discipline approach is ineffective.)

So are fewer people actually spanking, or are they just less willing to admit it? Dr. Robert Murray, who studied the issue of corporal punishment in schools for the American Academy of Pediatrics, says both are true, and the stigma surrounding spanking is a good thing. “When there was a social norm of spanking, it shielded abuse,” he says. Maybe if parents are scared to admit to spanking, they’ll think twice about actually doing it.

Monday, March 19, 2007


I will devote space at the beginning of each week to share thoughts of others who are much more intelligent and insightful than I, with the hope that their words encourage and challenge you as much as they have me. This weeks thoughts are from Andy Stanley's book: The Best Question Ever

Typically when making choices, we run our options and opportunities through a more generic and far less helpful grid. There are several variations, but basically the question we ask ourselves is this: Is there anything wrong with it?

The assumption is that if there is nothing wrong with what we’re doing, it must be okay. If it is not illegal, unethical, or immoral, then it qualifies as a live option, right? Biblically speaking, if there is not a “Thou shalt not” associated with it, then it’s safe to assume it qualifies as a “Thou certainly shalt if thou please.”

Unfortunately, that kind of thinking sets us up for another question that we rarely verbalize or even allow to surface to the level of conscious thought. Yet if we are honest, this is a question that drives far too many of our choices. It goes something like this: How close can I get to the line between right and wrong without actually doing something wrong? The Christian version goes like this: How close to sin can I actually get without sinning?

This is a question that every teenage guy has asked in some way at some point in his dating career. It’s a question everyone on a diet asks every day. It is a question attorneys make a living asking on behalf of their clients.

But it does not stop there. Inevitably, once we have come this far we find ourselves asking, How far over the line of right and wrong can I go without experiencing consequences? In other words, how unethical, immoral, or insensitive can I be without suffering any unmanageable outcomes? How long can I neglect my family, finances, or professional responsibilities without feeling the effects? How far over the speed limit can I drive without getting pulled over? How far can I indulge in an addictive behavior without actually becoming addicted?

It is a slippery slope, both subtle and sinister. It all begins so innocently by asking what seems to be a noble question, Is there anything wrong with it? But it ultimately leads to yet another question. One we have all asked at one time or another: How did I get myself into this mess?

The Best Question Ever

Friday, March 16, 2007


Being a dad, I suppose the reality of what it means to be a good father has unparalleled importance. Yet my desire is not for the GOOD but rather for the GREAT. Which yields the question “what quantifies a great father and how do I arrive at such a pinnacle”?

I no doubt find it painfully disturbing the number of fatherless homes we see in our world today. With such a rampant vacancy rate, it would not be so far fetched to claim victory on fatherhood by merely just being in attendance. And yet truthfully, in some cases a child or family just might be better off with the vacancy sign ON because of the generational damage a father has done or can do.

The hard truth is that it takes only one bad dad to screw a family up. But it can take generations of good ones to make a family right. Harsh? Absolutely! But it’s the truth. Resulting in many a man starting out there fatherhood years on the negative end of the 1-10 fatherhood scale.

Follow me for a moment if you will…. Take for example the father who grew up with an abusive, alcoholic, absentee, you name it, type of bad dad, that makes the commitment for change, and who spends the rest of his life trying to overcome the damage his father has done in an effort to just get back to zero. Just getting back to that starting place where he no longer has to overcome his own demons. And so the son who no doubt has reaped the benefits of change still has missed out on the best, the greatness, his father may have to offer simply because dad has just tried to overcome himself and not pass on the hell he inherited from his own father. And as we look at the third generation father, we see him begin the process of being a great father because many of the tragic hurtles in his lineage of fatherhood have overtime been eliminated.

Great fathers don’t just happen, they are made. Great fathers come from a lineage of good to great dads that have committed themselves to being intentional about loving and committing themselves to their families.

So it might be that you find yourself in that place of change fighting to overcome those things you have inherited, perhaps discouraged, wanting excellence in your own journey as a father…..guess what? We as believers have a GREAT generational father in our Lord and Savior who can trump any baggage you might be carrying around. He is
“A father to the fatherless” Psalms 68:5. He can shut the door on a painful past and put you back at that place of a brand new start. The choice then becomes yours as to whether you will settle for GOOD or commit to being GREAT.

Greatness always comes with a price of personal sacrifice. Yet as a father the return on our investment transcends time and can result in a legacy of great fathers and great families.

I know this because I have had the great fortune of having and learning from a GREAT father. A father who many years ago committed to change and putting a stop to a legacy of fatherhood that was headed in the wrong direction. A dad that was committed to the Heritage of His heavenly father and excellence in his journey of raising us kids. And for that, I now spend my days investing in the lives of my children rather than healing and overcoming wounds that could have been passed on to me.

The Recipe that has been passed on to me:

1. God first Family Second – I can not be a GREAT father without a GREAT relationship with my heavenly father. Commit to daily pray and studying His word

2. What is my mission – Mission statements are our GPS for life. Create a mission statement that communicates your vision of fatherhood. Use the following link to build your mission statement: Mission Statement Builder

3. Intimate Allies – We have no greater ally on this journey than our wives. A healthy husband wife relationship translates to security for our kids.

4. Time is Everything – The old adage “it’s quality not quantity” is garbage. Schedule time with your kids. Don’t leave it to what’s left or available.

5. Training Camp - There are many great resources out there from books to workshops. Make it a priority to grow. Your job requires training and study, so should your family.

6. Be Intentional – Have a plan and milestones for your kids. Don’t leave their development to chance.

7. Invest the Best – Pass the GREAT stuff on to your kids so that they can take it and multiply over generations.

God has taken His most prized treasures and placed them in our stewardship as fathers. He has set the bar high for excellence. Commit to greatness as a father. It has generational consequences.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

an interesting poll

In 1940 it was reported that the top seven major problems in our public schools where:

1. Talking out of turn
2. chewing gum
3. making noise
4. running in the halls
5. cutting in line
6. violating dress code
7. littering.

Today’s poll shows the top seven major problems are:

1. Drug abuse
2. alcohol abuse
3. pregnancy
4. suicide
5. rape
6. robbery
7. assault.

Is it me, or does that reek of secularism and the strategic removal of God from our school system?

Monday, March 12, 2007

signs of the times

I will devote space at the beginning of each week to share thoughts of others who are much more intelligent and insightful than I, with the hope that their words encourage and challenge you as much as they have me. This weeks thoughts are from Stephen Arterburn's book: Preparing your son for every man's battle.

If your son won’t naturally come to you with His questions, how will you know when to start? What blips will show up on your radar screen?

One thing is for certain: The game will be well into the second half if you wait until you see signs of sexual awareness in your son. In today’s culture, once you see those sexual signs, you’ve waited to long. It’s kind of like running the marathon but waiting until you are thirsty to drink water. You need to start drinking water long before thirst grabs your throat.

As for your son, his friends already flood their talk with jokes about sex well before the onset of their own sexual awareness. Like weeds in a garden, these sexy thoughts spread everywhere and defy control or understanding in his young mind.

Second, students begin experiencing the social pressure of their halftime adjustments well before they are fully sexually aware. Remember Jason’s comment about finding it hard to stand up to his friends? At the time he wouldn’t have known a hot babe from a bale of hay, but if I had waited until he did, I would have left him at serious risk. Why? Because too often , in their experience, our sons will grab hold of anything that gives them a sense of being apart of the in-crowd. If sex is held up as their boarding pass, they may walk through the Jetway and try to get on board, even though their plane hasn’t yet reached the gate.

Third, and most important, pornography’s treacherous, choking tentacles reach early for our son’s throats. The average boy views his first pornography at age eleven, well before he is sexually aware. That’s why it is important to watch for the onset of the Triple-P halftime adjustments rather than full sexual awareness. The Piaget effect will be the first P to arrive, around age eleven. This serves as your early wake-up call, heralding the approach of puberty’s sexual awareness that is sure to follow in just a year or two.

Preparing Your Son

Friday, March 9, 2007

the F’s of success vs significance

As we journey through life, It is my hope that we each have weighed the importance of the pursuit of Significance in our own lives. A few months back I heard these and have spent a good deal of time meditating over them and their impact on how I live my life.

The three F’s we concern ourselves with when seeking success are:

1. Fame
2. Fans
3. Fortune

Let me start with, “there is absolutely nothing wrong with success” assuming that all else has not been sacrificed in its pursuit. If I take pause for a moment and really dig into those three words getting past the “American Idol” concept of Fame, Fans, and Fortune, it is not far fetched to personalize where my attention has been placed both past and present. As a society we are SUCCESS crazed as we watch time and time again the lives of those who in all appearances have reached the pinnacle of the three F’s and their lives are destroyed. The tragedy with the Three F’s of Success can be that they are all about “ME”.

The Three F’s we concern ourselves when seeking significance are:

1. Faith
2. Family
3. Friends

There is no doubt a difference in the focus off attention as well as the long term impact of that focus. See our investment in Faith, Family, and Friends has a compounding interest over time. It is so much bigger than the “ME” of the Success F’s.

Although I could spend hours on this subject, I hope to give you a little something to chew on over the weekend.

Be in Church with God’s people on Sunday.

See ya Monday.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

above the rim rock

A hunters guide to His Heart

I have found myself on many occasion asking, what is it about hunting, and the event that ensues as part of it’s pursuit, that breaths into me life and stirs my heart. The crack of the gun and the buckle of a bird in mid flight is no doubt satisfying, but most certainly can not justify the level pain and exhaustion that infiltrates my body in the midst of a ten mile chukar hunt, the bird of this hunter’s choice. There have been numerous occasions that I have found myself in places on a mountain I had no business being and asked myself “What in the heck am I doing”? Only to find myself in that place time and time again. And so my life long question was answered one blue bird Saturday morning of which I will never forget.

As all of my chukar hunts do, I began preparing all of my gear Friday night after the kids had been tucked safely in bed. Even sitting here now I am rushed with the stale blunt smell of bee’s wax, which as part of my hunt ritual, is thinly coated over my boots before each hunt. Like a soldier my gear is systematically inventoried and placed in it’s appropriate place for the early morning departure. Gramps’s savage 16 gage double triggered side by side that has been passed now to me, is sheathed and stored safely in the cab of my pickup along with my hunting vest. With the highs being in the mid 30’s an Under Armour cold gear under shirt, my frayed red Eddy Bauer shammy, and the standard issues Carhartts would fit the bill. And though I could count on one hand the number of times I have used it, my Swiss Army Leatherman just in case. With lunch packed and the coffee timer set, my mind could be at ease at least knowing I was prepared. But it is that boyhood excitement that awakens me at 2:00 am and 4:00 am just to make sure I haven’t slept through the alarm that causes me to pause and soak in all that hunting has brought to my life.

I am not sure why it is, but coffee the morning of a hunt, that I sip from my hunt day coffee mug, which displays airbrushed replicas’ of my two German Shorthair Pointer hunting partners, seems ritualistic as each sip holds a different memory for me.

With the dogs loaded up, gear packed away and final preparations completed, my hunting buddy and I set off for the days adventure. The two hour drive seemed a blur from the endless recollection of past hunts, the days strategy, and the typical hunting banter. As previously stated we found ourselves amidst one of those stunning Northwest blue bird days, a Chukar hunters dream with a ground temperature of about 26 degrees. Perfect for the dogs and scenting birds. The perfect day to be sure, or so I thought.

Within a quarter mile of the truck we had to cross “Sucker Creek” which as I would soon find out was very appropriately named. The creek spanned about fifteen feet across and was somewhat slow moving. The water level was abnormally high and rather than risk my feet getting wet, I opted for what seemed the logical choice and crossed over a frozen section of the creek. Half way across and with dry land only steps away it happened, the deafening pop of the ice and my plummet into the waist deep bone chilling water. Within seconds I had broken through the remainder of the ice and drug myself to safety. NOT the way to start the day.

At twenty six degrees it took all of ten minutes for pants to freeze leaving me hobbling like the TIN MAN from Wizard of OZ. After stripping down and wringing out my clothes, we were back on the trail.

By noon we had GPS ourselves to be around five miles into the back country. With the bird finding being discouragingly slow we opted for a new strategy and split up. I’d been side hilling it for about ¾ of mile when my highly trained hunter’s eye spotted something increasingly peculiar. Grace (my female shorthair) appeared to be carrying a bird in her mouth. Problem was, I hadn’t shot a bird all day. And to my horror with every step closer I came to the paralyzing realization that what I thought was a bird was a face full of porcupine quills. They covered her face from snout to ear, in her gums, tongue, and lips. And so I spent the next forty five minutes yanking one after another out of her face and mouth, putting to good use the Leatherman I so seldom used.

Now, my heart is as “WILD” as the rest of them, but after the ice and porcupine I figured I best be getting the heck out of there before something else happened like getting shot. But oh that would be all too simple. At approximately four miles from the truck, Hersh (my male shorthair and the heaviest of the two, 65 lbs) cramps up and won’t walk anymore. And so I packed him out on my shoulders for the remaining four and a half miles. Once again having to cross “SUCKER CREEK” this time with him on my shoulders, and once again breaking through the ice. At least the temp was a balmy thirty six this go round. And my aching legs appreciated the numbing effect of the icy water.

For four miles I struggled and fought each and every step. I fought exhaustion. I fought pain. But perhaps the most significant battle was the one raging over mind and thought. You can do this, you can make it. One step at a time.


That night as I sat inhaling a dinner that I could only dream about hours before, I shared the days adventure and hardships with my wife. To which she responded “that’s why you do it. You love it. The risk and the danger.” Hold the presses she is right. With every hunt comes the adventure of risk and danger, the kind that tests a man’s heart, his strength, his endurance, and his mind. Days like this force a man to answer “DO I HAVE WHAT IT TAKES” and on this day I could answer YES. And with that YES my heart is filled.

I have to wonder after the third day, as Jesus sat in the tomb resurrected from death, was His heart filled in the same way as mine. Did he reflect back over the brutal blood laden beatings, the agonizing pack to Golgotha, the sacrifice on the cross, and the war that He raged in the bowels of Hell, and think “I HAD WHAT IT TAKES” for He completed the mission. Our God has what it takes.

If we could only realize that the same adventure of risk and danger awaits each of us every day as we cross the thresholds of our homes. There is a battling raging for your mind, and for your body, and for your spirit. And it is far more exhausting and painful than any self inflicted adventure we have taken part in. YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES, but you must “prepare the horse for battle”.

Paul in I Cor. 9:27 says: "No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” Be in the word and on your knees each and every day so that you might finish the race and know “YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES”

Monday, March 5, 2007

a battle is under way

I will devote space at the beginning of each week to share thoughts of others who are much more intelligent and insightful than I, with the hope that their words encourage and challenge you as much as they have me. This weeks thoughts are from John Eldredge's Book Waking the Dead:

But there is another, more urgent quality to every true myth. The Second Eternal Truth brought to us comes like a broken message over the radio or an urgent e-mail from a distant country, telling us that some great struggle or quest or battle is well under way. May even be hanging in the balance. When the four children stumble into Narnia, the country and all its lovely creatures are imprisoned under the spell of the White Witch and have been for a hundred years. In another story, Jack and his mother are starving and must sell their only cow. Frodo barely makes it out of the Shire with his life and the ring of power. In the nick of time he learns that Bilbo’s magic ring is the One Ring, that Sauron has discovered its whereabouts, and that the Nine black Riders are already across the boarders searching for the little Hobbit with deadly intent. The future of Middle Earth hangs on a thread.

Darth Vader just about has the universe under his evil fist when a pair of droids fall into the hands of Luke Skywalker. Luke has no idea what is unfolding, what great deeds have been done on his behalf, or what will be required of him in the battle to come. Sitting in a sandstone hut with old Ben Kenobi – he does not know this is the great Jedi warrior Obi-Wan Kenobi – Luke discovers the secret message from the princess: “This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.”

Again this is exactly what scriptures have been trying to wake us up to for years. “Wake up, O sleeper…Be very careful, then, how you live…because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:14-16). Or as the Message has it: “So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times!” Christianity isn’t a religion about going to Sunday school, potluck suppers, being nice, holding car washes, sending our second hand clothes off to Mexico- as good as those things might be. This world is at war. Something large and immensely dangerous is unfolding all around us, we are caught up in it, and above all we doubt we have been given a key role to play.

Waking the Dead

Thursday, March 1, 2007

men of honor 1 of 3

Honoring God with your Mind

As it relates to Men of Honor, I want to lay out a three part series on what it means to be a MOH (Man of Honor) as we seek to Honor God Mind, Body, and Soul. It is my desire to explore scripture as it relates to our mind, body, and soul as well as hit head on issues that specifically take men to task as we seek to arm ourselves with the “weapons of warfare” that Paul so eloquently challenges us with in II Cor. 10:4-5. Not withstanding I will as well attempt to lay out an action plan of sorts.

I have chosen to start with the Mind, because quite frankly within it’s complexity many of the most strangulating strongholds we as men face can be locked up in it’s vault. Now don’t get me wrong, the last thing I will attempt to do is scientifically debug the inner working of our minds cause quite frankly I am not sure I am smart enough to understand what I just said much less the brain. However I do know that we as men are stimulated by sight and there is most certainly a chemical aspect to how what we see is stored in our minds which can influence what we meditate on and how it perpetuates our self image or lack there of ultimately rendering us useful or useless in fulfilling God’s transcendent call on our lives.

Man, this is such an incredibly critical subject for us as men. Though there are many aspects of the mind we could tackle together, I am choosing to hone in on the one area that I feel is the single most detrimental stronghold facing men today,

Let’s be real, you can’t even go to the grocery store without being bombarded with sexually explicit magazines and advertisements. Unfortunately we as men find ourselves smack in the middle of an epic sexualization of society. So, if we are keeping it real, every one of us finds ourselves on the proverbial Bell Curve of sexual addiction. As a point of reference, those on the far left of the curve are winning the battle and have instituted a game plan to protect against unwanted images and thoughts being processed and held captive in their minds. Those on the far right of the curve are the heinous lifeless criminals we read and hear about that have committed rape, molestation ect. My point is this, sexual addiction is unequivocally devastating, and it ALWAYS starts on the left side of the curve. It is imperative that we orchestrate a battle plan and follow it explicitly.

So let’s talk a little biology for a moment. It is important for us to understand why and how we process things that we see and hear, and how that relates to where we as men find ourselves on the CURVE. It breaks down like this; there are three primary chemicals infiltrating the brain when we are stimulated, endorphins, encephalins, and epinephrine. The endorphins/encephlins are the single most powerful pleasure chemicals in the human body. In testing, lab rats (and yes I support the testing of lab animals, better them than me I always say) would endure ten times the pain level for one shot of endorphins/encephlins than they would for cocaine. Some powerful stuff. Now, the epinephrine’s role is to permanently cement what ever it is you were seeing at the time of stimulation in one of the many chambers of that brain of ours.

And this is how it all plays out; you are rolling minded your own business and out of no where you see something you like and think WOW! Now instead of fleeing you stop for a moment and think HMMMMMM! Pow, here comes the endorphins/encephlins and we officially have stimulation. At that very instant the old epinephrine takes that image and files it away for a time and place to be named later. OK, your thinking, no big deal, so I got a little hit of the old pleasure chemicals. Remember the whole lab rats more powerful than cocaine thing? Now I am not saying were are like rats, but we most certainly enjoy the pleasure chemicals, and will always want more, and more, and more. And the funny thing is, we actually associate that epinephrine filed image with the pleasure chemicals we desire and therefore keep going back to the old file time and time again thus sending us further and further to the right of the old BELL CURVE.

Here is the thing, none of this is by accident. God intentionally created these exact chemicals and this exact process so that we would know deep intimacy with our WIVES and our WIVES alone. She is who God intends for us to be stimulated by and it is her face that is to be cemented and filed away so that we associate her beautiful face with the pleasure chemicals we tend to desire.

To be a Man Of Honor, is to be a man that Honors God with his mind and that can answer the call of 1 Peter 1:13 (Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled;) and with all of my heart I believe that this issue of sexual integrity is devastating our men daily, keeping them out of the fight. The fact is, within this sin comes a great deal of shame, which I will address in my post about Honoring God with our Body. And it is that shame that puts men on their face floundering like a fish out of water, right where satan desires for them to be. Out of the game and out of the fight.

The Game Plan

1. Chose to Fight – Be a man step up and commit to daily taking captive your thoughts. II Cor. 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. The Greek word for captive is Aichmalotizo- to lead away captive, to capture ones mind, captivate
2. Take it to HIM – pray, pray, pray with transparency to God about the struggle. Check out this promise: Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. The Greek word used for guard/keep is Phroureo- protect by a military guard, either to prevent hostile invasion. Your mind has at it’s disposal Military type protection from our Lord. Claim it.
3. Starve your eyes – Be intentional about what you look at, magazines, tv, computer home page, ect. Example: I had to change my home page from Fox News because of all of the Sexually explicit stories and ads to a non intrusive home page.
4. Renew your mind – Use scripture as a cleaning agent and a filter. Be in the word daily and memorize scripture. Deuteronomy 11:18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.
5. Be accountable
– Get accountability and filtering software on your computers NOW. I have several resources in the resources section of my blog.
6. Get educated – there are some great books on this subject. I have several of them listed in the resource section of my blog such as “The Game Plan” and “Every Man’s Battle”.

Let me set the record straight here, not every man is a sex addict and suffer from addiction. However every man is susceptible. So regardless of where you find yourself on the
CURVE, you must stay engaged in fight. Take captive your thoughts and renew your minds so that you might be found honorable by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

© 2007. All Rights Reserved.

I Was Thinking...

"If your vision is for a year, plant wheat. If your vision is for ten years, plant trees. If your vision is for a lifetime, plant people."

