The first is through word of mouth. If you know of someone who would be interested in this site, might enjoy some these posts, and could benefit from the content found here, I encourage you to let them know of it.
The second is through email. This is perhaps the easiest and most effecient way of informing people about this site. As a result, there's a new tool on the site that you can use to send an email to your friends that informs them about this site. You can find this tool in the Site Tools section in the upper right or in the Left column. You can click the following link:
A third way is through other websites or blogs. If you own a blog or website and this is a site that you might be willing to link to, then below are buttons and codes that you can use to do so. Any link would be appreciated. All you need to do is copy and paste the code found below each button into your HTML template.
Jake -
I have a public blog where a lot of people pass through. A lot are women because of my ministry (Emphasis On Moms) but some are men). If you want, let me know and I can link to your blog there as it is a more public forum and the women might share it with their husbands.
My public blog is at
private blog (where I already link to you at) is
I think so many men need to hear the truths and wisdom you have to share!
I would love to have you link to my blog. My hope, as I know is yours, is that God uses it to challenge and encourage. I will put you on my link list as well.
Not sure why blogger had me logged in as Eliseo! HA
Anyways - that would be great if you could add a link to me - Jake. I've got yours up at
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